There is no passion to be found playing small -in settling
for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living. ~Nelson Mandela

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Goodbye NKP

Today I said goodbye not only to the kids, but to the Nyanga experience. I suppose that’s the same with anything I do. But in the states there’s a sense of permanence. I can end an experience and begin a similar one right after. But when will I come back to South Africa? And if I ever return, will I go back to Nyanga?

I’m blessed to have had this opportunity. I’m blessed that these kids entered my life. They’ve taught me so much. I’ve been told, and I’ve feared, that I expect too much--that I’m naively optimistic. Because of these kids I’ve realized that it’s okay to have high expectations. It is okay to have hope.

The Nyanga kids will face various challenges in their lives. They’ll encounter cultural and structural barriers. But in this program they’ve demonstrated that they have the desire and motivation to succeed. I don’t know what will happen. Maybe they’ll all pass the matric? Maybe they’ll become successful community leaders?

Who knows. What this experience showed me is the power of teaching and the value of education. I have absolutely no doubt that if these 11 girls are given more attention in their formal school setting, they will succeed. It makes me sad that they might not receive that attention. It’s devastating that they might not realize they’re potential.

I have to keep marching ahead. Zimasa, Athi, Nokhanyo, Noduntando, Nontuthuzelo, Selina, Zandile, Nodumo, Wendy, Nasfa and Philasande, I wish you the best. Who knows, maybe someday we’ll meet again?